Principal Visit – Wendy Morris – February 17-20

Principal Visit – Wendy Morris – February 17-20

Principal Visit – Wendy Morris – February 17-20

wendy morrisWe are prayerfully excited about our on-campus visit with Principal Wendy Morris on Thursday, February 17 through Sunday, February 20.


Wendy is currently serving as Principal of Immanuel Lutheran School, St Louis, Missouri. She received her first call to teach at Christ Lutheran School in East Point, GA. Wendy has served as a principal for 21 years in two schools; Our Savior Lutheran in Nashville, TN, and her current position at Immanuel, St Louis. She is writing her dissertation to complete her Doctorate of Education. Wendy is “A futuristic thinker that has the ability to envision the possibilities of what can be built on the strengths of a Lutheran school to turn aspirations into reality.”  (Quoted from her resume)


Wendy is married to Mike, a retail manager with Office Depot/Office Max. Their children are Kylie, oldest, lives in Atlanta, Kyra, who lives in Menomonee Falls, WI, and their youngest, Ryan, is a senior online through Western Governors University living at home. They have extended family in Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, New Jersey, Vermont, and Wisconsin.


Our on-campus visit with Wendy will include meeting staff and students on Friday, observing classrooms and teachers, meeting with the call committee, the School Ministry Board, and worshiping with us on Sunday. She will enjoy a few moments staying with her daughter, Kylie.


If you happen to be on campus on Friday or in worship on Sunday, please extend a warm welcome to Wendy. As always, keep Wendy and our school and church ministry in your prayers. However, let me encourage you not to pray, “Lord, bring Wendy to Faith Lutheran as our next principal” (although that would be my selfish prayer). Instead, pray, “Lord Jesus, You are the Lord of Your Church. You know our ministry needs; You know Wendy’s gifts, strengths, and family needs. As You know best, reveal Your plans to all our hearts, that Your will may be done, Your Kingdom extended, and all our lives blessed, in Your saving name, we pray. Amen.


(Pastor Carl)