Posts from March 2022

Posts from March 2022

A Prayer for Ukraine

A Prayer for Ukraine (the following is from, March 8, 2022) As the world watches the events unfolding in Ukraine, we want to remind our global Community of the power they have—the power of prayer.Prayer brings hope.Prayer unites.Prayer strengthens.Let’s join together and ask God to comfort, protect, and provide for the people of Ukraine. God,We need You—we always have.You are our source of strength, and You tell us to give You all our concerns.Bring protection and healing to the…

Working with European churches to help Ukraine

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The violence in Ukraine continues. Those in Ukraine and those fleeing to neighboring countries face great need. Our Office of International Mission — especially through our Eurasia region and the Rev. James Krikava, the Synod’s associate executive director of Eurasia and Asia Operations — is working with partner churches, missionaries and others in Europe to help care for those fleeing Ukraine. Krikava has been working with Bishop Serge Maschewski of the Evangelical Lutheran Church…

From the Florida District, President – Pray and give to the people of Ukraine!

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, God’s Word calls us to action. “God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it,  so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it” (I Corinthians 12:24-26).   The people of Ukraine are suffering. Some are running for their lives while others…

From Lutheran Hour Ministries – pray for the people living in Ukraine and throughout eastern Europe

As the situation continues to unfold in Ukraine, we ask you to lift up in prayer the people living throughout eastern Europe.   Share Tweet Forward     As a global organization, Lutheran Hour Ministries is committed to sharing the Good News of the Gospel around the world with all who need to hear it. This message is especially critical during a situation like we are witnessing in Ukraine. We know that God serves as a refuge during uncertain times,…
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