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Jessica Shea Installation, Sunday, February 14, 2021
We give thanks and praise to the Lord of the Church for leading Jessica Shea to accept our call to serve as P.E. Teacher and Athletic Director, at Faith Lutheran Church and School. Please join us this Sunday at the 11 am service for her installation and as we welcome Jessica, Dennis, Kathryn, and Jeremiah to our Faith Family. Jessica Shea is a graduate of Concordia, Seward, Nebraska. She has completed ten years of teaching. Since graduating, Jessica has served…
Red Letter Challenge is coming Sunday, February 21st!
Red Letter Challenge is comingSunday, February 21st! Two weeks away from starting the Red Letter Challenge. The books are sitting in my office. The teams are about to emerge, groups will be forming in the next two weeks, and with the first Sunday in Lent, February 21, the Red Letter Challenge will begin. For six weeks, our worship, daily devotions, and our Connection Group (live and Zoom) will be focusing on the red letters in the gospels – the words…
What we believe
Christ First in Everything We strive to become like Christ in everything we do – in thought, words and actions. Who is God? Lutherans believe and teach the divine mystery that God is Three in One – that is: Triune. Three distinct persons: FATHER, the creator of all that exists; Jesus Christ, the SON, who became human to suffer and die for the sins of all humanity and to rise to life again in the ultimate victory over death and…
Sunday’s Worship & message
Watch – Guest Preacher, Carl Bengston, brings the message: “How to study the Bible”