Posts by Web Master (Page 3)

Posts by Web Master (Page 3)

Reformation Day

Reformation… Standing Today   1517    95 Theses     The Solas      Martin Luther. Why celebrate a church event from more than 500 years ago? …Because it changed the world. I like how Stephen J. Nichols, author of The Reformation: How a Book and a Mallot Changed the World, states it: “The Reformation is a much broader event than that singular day. To be sure, the Reformation began on that day. The Reformation, however, spanned two centuries and encompassed a…

International Night 11/7/24

International Night We are so excited for International Night on Thursday, November 7 from 6:00-7:00. Last year was a great success, and we are looking forward to another great event. Please consider signing up for a table to celebrate your culture. You may share your culture through food, clothing, items, pictures, music, etc. Click here to sign up and represent a country of your choice! We look forward to having students, school families, and church families share about various countries!