Citizens/Disciples in the Lion’s Den by Dr. Gregory Seltz

Citizens/Disciples in the Lion’s Den by Dr. Gregory Seltz

  Join us in our Sanctuary on October 20 at 4:00 p.m. for a presentation from Dr. Gregory Seltz, Executive Director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty (LCRL) and former Speaker of The Lutheran Hour. The LCRL in Washington D.C., educates, encourages, and equips Lutheran Church MS members and organizations to take informed action in support of marriage, life, and religious freedom.

Just as Daniel, the Old Testament prophet, was rejected by his nation’s leaders and thrown into a den full of hungry lions for his beliefs, so too are today’s Christians subject to rejection based on our beliefs. Come to learn how we can stand strong as Christians, how we can participate in civic activities, how we can still change the world through the Love of Christ.

Following his presentation you will have an opportunity to meet Dr. Seltz over an Octoberfest type dinner!

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For more information about the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, click here: Lutheran Center For Religious Liberty

Click Here for Additional Information about Dr. Seltz