On Thursday, June 21, 2022 at 7:27 pm, the 34th Convention of the Florida-Georgia District of the LCMS, was called to order. 101 pastoral delegates and 108 lay voters were present. Special thanks to Dennis Cerny our lay delegate, and Russell Couch alternate delegate for attending the convention representing Faith Lutheran.
Among the first order of business was the election of a new district president. On the ballot were: Rev. Dr. Victor Belton, Rev. Keith Lingsch, Rev. Dean Pfeffer, Rev. James Rockey, and Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Skopak. After a second ballot was called for, the Rev. James Rockey was elected to the office of District President.
Other regional elections according to the five separate regions of the District in order to elect the Regional Vice Presidents and Regional Lay Representatives.
Region 1 (our region), VP – Rev. Dr. Victor Belton o Lay 1 – Mrs. Karen Cerny o Lay 2 – Mr. Gary Engel.
Region 2 o VP – Rev. Jay Winters o Lay 1 – Mrs. Deborah Beck o Lay 2 – Mr. Tracy Cripe Region 3 – o VP – Rev. Charles Reich o Lay 1 – Mrs. Sheryl DeWitt o Lay 2 – Mrs. Becky Hartmann
Region 4 o VP – Rev. Dr. David Brockhoff o Lay 1 – Mr. Mark Polzin o Lay 2 – Ms. Judy Schweichler
Region 5 o VP – Rev. Stephen Carretto o Lay 1 – Mr. Stephen Bradshaw o Lay 2 – Ms. Nancy Volz.
Ranking of the Vice Presidents
Judge of Elections, Ken Green came forward to explain the ranking process. Following the explanation, Rev. Green called for a ballot for the ranking of the Vice Presidents. Several ballots were necessary to determine majorities which resulted in the following ranking of the Vice Presidents:
- 1st Vice President – Rev. Dr. Victor Belton
- 2nd Vice President – Rev. Jay Winters
- 3rd Vice President – Rev. Charles Reich
- 4th Vice President – Rev. Dr. David Brockhoff
- 5th Vice President – Rev. Stephen Caretto
Report from the Synod
Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison led the Convention in a report from the Synod, followed by a time of questions and answers.
Missions and Outreach
Rev. Dr. Peter Meier presented concerning the work of Missions and Outreach in the District.
Bible Study & Essay Presentation
Dr. Reed Lessing led a Bible study for the Convention, discussing Hebrews 12.
Rev. Ben Haupt presented an essay concerning “mission zeal” and 7 myths about mission in our Synod.

The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) is organized into 35 districts, 33 of which are defined along geographic lines. Each district has a president who oversees the congregations in his district, which are further subdivided into local circuits. Faith Lutheran is a part of the Florida-Georgia District, with 203 congregations, 53,800 members, 45 preschools, 35 elementary schools, 2 secondary schools.
Every three years our LCMS meets in a Synodical Convention, a District Convention, and a Circuit Convocation. Next summer, the Synod will meet in convention or the 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), set for July 29–Aug. 3, 2023, in Milwaukee, Wis.
The convention theme will be “We Preach Christ Crucified,” based on 1 Cor. 1:18–25.