'youth' Tagged Posts
Music for Sunday’s 11 am Contemporary Worship
Join us Sunday for a traditional worship at 8:15 am or at 11:00 for a contemporary service. Blessings,Reid
Connected Youth – 5-7 pm – January 9, 2022
We are preparing for another connected Youth Sunday! Youth ages 8th-12th grade are welcome to attend and bring along a friend. Please plan on parking in the back parking lot at Faith and enter the Youth Room by walking around the corner of the building through the playground. Date: Sunday, January 9th Time: 5pm-7pm Place: Faith Youth Room We will have a short devotion, team building activities/ games, and will brainstorm some ideas for future events. A lite sub sandwich supper and chips…
in all things – are you going?
The National LCMS Youth Gathering is coming in the summer of 2022. Every three years, our national LCMS youth ministry sponsors a life-changing event for high school youth. The theme for this year’s gathering “in all things” is based on Colossians 1:15-20. If you are interested in your youth going, please fill out the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S2WG3TF. If you have any questions about the National Youth Gathering, please reach out to Rachel Cass by cell at 720-975-3836 or by…