The Florida-Georgia District began in 1948 with 22 congregations; today, we are 192 strong. Less than 45% of the United States is connected to the Body of Christ, and our state’s population continues growing by nearly 2% per year. God is calling us to “Go and make disciples,” and planting new congregations is essential to reach more with God’s love and the only message of hope!
Living As Christ’s Witnesses So That All People Come to Faith
“For such a time as this!” God has brought us together to be His hands and feet to a lost and hurting world. The people of the Florida-Georgia District are committed to being a beacon of hope through the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all people!
Our task is urgent! We ask for your prayers and financial partnership so that many more will experience Christ’s love now and in eternity!

- 192 Congregations walking together
- 59 Schools and Early Learning Centers
- Mission driven since 1948
- Sharing God’s love with all people in an ever-diverse society
- Offering the only true and unchanging hope for this life and eternity

Our GOAL is to raise $1.5 Million by September 2023.
These funds will enable us to provide $150,000 in grants to start Ten congregations over the next five years.
For every $2 given, $1 will be matched.
Help us reach this goal to connect many more
people to Jesus!
“New starts reach more new people for Christ.”

Imagine… together, we can do this!
Imagine… if each person and every congregation gave a thank offering, we would reach our goal!
Imagine… the joy over lives transformed and each new believer.
Imagine… the renewed excitement and revitalization in our congregations.