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Ash Wednesday – February 17 – live on campus 7 PM

Ash Wednesday & Lent Did you know that the date for Easter is set each year by the moon? Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full Moon after the vernal equinox (spring). This full moon is also called the “paschal full moon.” The first full moon in spring sets the date for Easter and from there we back up Ash Wednesday 40 days earlier (not counting the Sundays in Lent) to set the date for the beginning of…

Jessica Shea Installation, Sunday, February 14, 2021

We give thanks and praise to the Lord of the Church for leading Jessica Shea to accept our call to serve as P.E. Teacher and Athletic Director, at Faith Lutheran Church and School. Please join us this Sunday at the 11 am service for her installation and as we welcome Jessica, Dennis, Kathryn, and Jeremiah to our Faith Family. Jessica Shea is a graduate of Concordia, Seward, Nebraska. She has completed ten years of teaching. Since graduating, Jessica has served…