Church Blog (Page 17)

Church Blog (Page 17)

Sunday School

We have started Sunday School during April 19-May 23.  Any child ages 4 years to 5 grade is welcome to join us.  We meet in the library at 9:30.  Children 3rd-5th grade will remain in the library while the 4 years old thru 2nd grades will be in Mrs. Rush’s room.  Bible lessons, praise songs together, a craft or small worksheet, and even spend the last 10-15 minutes outside having some playground time (weather permitting).  In the summer, we will…

Old Paint Drive and Fundraiser May 8 – 9-2:30 pm

Isn’t it a nuisance and potential fire hazard?  Share it with the World and also help us build an Atlanta area Habitat for Humanity House for a deserving family. Drop off your old paint, with your cash donation of (hopefully) about $5.00 per  gallon, at the Faith Lutheran Church Old Paint Drive and Fundraiser.  When:  Saturday, May 8th  from 9:00am to 2:30pmWhere:  Faith Lutheran Church’s parking lot, 2111 Lower Roswell Rd.Marietta, GA 30068Please come by and volunteer an hour or two if…

what on earth and I here for?

What on earth am I here for? It is a great question.  It is the ultimate question of life. At some point, every single soul has to answer the question for themselves. For some, the answer is simple.  The unalienable rights found in the preamble to the constitution: “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Depending upon your age and position in life, the answers to that question will vary greatly.    God‘s word offers a life driven by God’s…