Church Blog (Page 16)

Church Blog (Page 16)

what on earth and I here for?

What on earth am I here for? It is a great question.  It is the ultimate question of life. At some point, every single soul has to answer the question for themselves. For some, the answer is simple.  The unalienable rights found in the preamble to the constitution: “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Depending upon your age and position in life, the answers to that question will vary greatly.    God‘s word offers a life driven by God’s…

Holy Week at Faith

Palm Sunday, March 28th is a joyous service to recall Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, signaling the beginning of Holy Week, the final days of our Suffering Savior’s life for us and for our salvation. Maundy Thursday, April 1st, 11 AM* & 7:00 PM we’ll gather to hear the “words of institution” and be a part of the Last Supper of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and then, gather together for “The Table Set for you”.  Good Friday, April 2nd, Noon*…