zzzChick-fil-A Spirit Night
Join us at the Chick-fil-A, East Lake, for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship, and supporting our school! Mention “Faith Lutheran” when ordering and a portion of the sale will benefit our school.
zzzNew Year Day Worship
Join us as we start off the New Year right with worship of our Lord!
zzzChristmas Day Worship Service 12/25/22
Christmas Morning Celebration of the WORD that became flesh and lived among us. Holy Communion and Christmas Carols will direct our hearts to praise God’s One and Only Son who came into our world to be our Savior.
zzzChristmas Eve Candlelight Service 7 pm 12/24/22
Christmas Eve Traditional Candlelight with Holy Communion is a wonderful tradition at Faith that will warm all hearts as we sing our favorite Christmas Carols, hear the Christmas Story, receive the Christ Child in the Lord’s Supper, and light candles in joyous celebration of the night the Light of World came to earth.
zzzChristmas Eve Family Service 5:00 pm
Christmas Eve Family Service engages every child in attendance to be a part of a live nativity. Music, costumes and wonderful surprises are planned as we celebrate together as a family the wondrous birth our Savior Jesus Christ.