A group of 11 Lutheran Churches in the area north of Atlanta
Formed in1993 by eight churches
Aimed at eliminating substandard housing by partnering with local Habitat for Humanity affiliates in the area (North Central Georgia and North Metro Atlanta)
LCH has sponsored 32 homes in its 27 years of existence
How does Habitat Work?
Brings volunteers, sponsors, and resources together to build decent affordable housing for qualified families
Houses are sold at no profit
Owners provide
- Hard work – “sweat equity”
- Down payment on home
Owners pay the mortgage at no interest
What Does the Lutheran Coalition DO?
- Working with Habitat affiliates
- Select homes to sponsor based on schedule and location
- Establish LCH build schedule
- Through church representatives solicit congregational involvement in LCH activities:
- Inform congregations of LCH builds, dates, locations, sign-up details, logistics
- Promote LCH fundraisers
New House Builds Start Fall 2022/Winter 2023
Faith’s Representative on the Coalition’s organizing committee: Gary Schleicher, 908-339-7180, garyandkim23@outlook.com
The Lutheran Coalition for Habitat is a registered non-profit organization.
Participation in the Coalition is an auxiliary activity of Faith’s Social Ministry.