RLC Leader Resources

RLC Leader Resources

Note to RLC Leaders…

Thanks for being an RLC Connection Group Leader.  On this page, you will find the resource links to use each week of the Red Letter Challenge.   Supplemental resources may be posted here as the weeks progress so return often. 

RLC Connection Group Guides

Being – Week 1 – Connection Group Resources

Forgiving – Week 2 –Connection Group Resources

Serving – Week 3 – Connection Group Resources

Giving – Week 4 –Connection Group Resources

Going – Week 5 – Connection Group Resources

Connection Group Videos

Week 1 Video – Being

Week 2 Video – Forgiving

Week 3 Video – Serving

Week 4 Video – Giving

Week 5 Video – Going

Sample first Email to my group

Dear Sherri, Gary, Vaunda, Joan, Laura, and Paul,

I am looking forward to our meeting together tomorrow.  I hope you are too.

We haven’t decided on a time for our Connection Group.  I hope 1 pm works for everyone?   If you can comment to this email with a “works for me,” that would be awesome. As soon as I hear back from everyone, I will send out the Zoom link.

By the way, we are covering all the BEING readings which start on page 38 and end on page 81. It sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t all that much.

Blessings on your readings and time BEING with Jesus.  See you tomorrow.

Pastor Carl


Personalize your emails by using first names.

Reminded them weekly of time you are meeting.  (Ask them to reply if they are NOT going to be in attendance.)  If you are not going to be able to join us, please me/us know so we won’t wait for you.  If there is anything that we can be praying for in your

I reminded them of how far they need to be reading to be ready for our connection group meeting.